A Sense of Oneness
Have Praavbemeb ever been into one of those large kitchen and bath stores that literally have isles and isles of nothing but different sizes of storage containers ? There are so many different shapes, colors and functions of these bowls, boxes and bins that it boggles the mind. There are huge storage containers for blankets and clothes, specific ones created for holiday wrapping and bows. There are plastic pizza boxes that keep your crust crunchy, and candy bowls that lock tight for your sweet tooth munchies. People are absolutely obsessed with organizing their lives, from the socks in their drawers to the spices in their kitchens. But why is organization so important that it has spawned a huge industry to cater to and exploit this human characteristic? The fact that you can walk into a store and literally box up and compartmentalize the entire contents of your home is intriguing, to say the least. Really, who needs a few storage containers for their vacuum cleaner?
Perhaps it is more deeply ingrained than donate your car realize. Humans are complex and amazing creatures who feel the endowment policy sales need to make sense out of their environment by naming, distinguishing and understanding the world around them. This leads to the formation of opinions and emotions. After all, if something is other than you, you Gourmet Foods feel a certain way about it, yes? Controlling the Appleton mortgage refinance whether by putting everything neatly in its place or cutting down trees and laying claim to a piece of the planet, is one of the ways that people feel grounded in a Universe that, face it, is inconceivably vast.
Humans are internally conscious of the vastness of space as well as their tiny, seemingly inconsequential place within it, perched on a pebble that is spinning wildly around the sun with no concrete sense of purpose. Whether you pour your cereal into special storage containers with color coded lids, or use other forms of compartmentalizing your life such as labeling other races, religions or doctrines as other than you, it is all a matter of attempting to make sense and to feel safe in the vast and infinite Universe. Even houses, cars and jobs can be considered different types of storage containers that hold the various contents of our lives, ideas, and personalities.
Why are humans so attached to the idea of being separate? Have you ever seen a flock of birds moving and shifting gracefully as one large entity, each individual bird connected to the entire flock by some invisible force of oneness? The birds are not separate from each other in that moment. They are one cohesive mass of fluttering beauty. Just imagine how much more peaceful the Earth and all of its inhabitants would be if humans began living in harmony with each other, with all of life in all of its beauty, rather than sectioning off, designating ownership and controlling as much of the world as they could make claim to. The knowledge of our oneness with each other would not allow for us to hate, to kill, to destroy, for if we did it would be self destructive. It is self destructive now, but through our lens of separation, we are blind to the pain we cause ourselves. To be one, we must see ourselves as one.
Source : www.selfstorageowner.com/blog/self_storage_owner_blog.php">www.selfstorageowner.com/blog/self_storage_owner_blog.php
Also visit www.selfstorageowner.com/podcast/self_storage_owner_podcast.php">www.selfstorageowner.com/podcast/self_storage_owner_podcast.php